We value properties

What is your property worth? Let us answer this question for you using our free, non-binding valuation form. It lets you describe your property easily and with just a few clicks. We analyse the information you provide and send you our valuation by e-mail.

Ten good reasons to sell your property with Leo Wacker Immobilien:

  • 1. We have a team of qualified and certified specialists
  • 2. Expertise and experience for a quick and easy sale
  • 3. Communication and consultation. All day and into the evening, seven days a week. Saving you not only time, but also stress and potential recourse claims in particular
  • 4. Market analysis and valuation for your property
  • 5. Consultation on all aspects of contract, tenancy and residential property law
  • 6. Procurement and evaluation of sale documents
  • 7. Erstellung von Fotos, Videos und professionellen Exposés
  • 8. Offline and online marketing (leading portals with premium and top placements in Germany and abroad, social media)
  • 9. Very good ratings at ImmoScout24 and recommendations underline our service quality
  • 10. Excellent partners: craftsmen and construction firms, lawyers, notaries, architects, property managers and financial advisors

For owners of apartment buildings:

  • Consulting on tenants

  • Consulting on partitioning

  • Development, revitalisation and redevelopment

Call us or send us an e-mail. We are there for you every day and every evening.